Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010


when u're not here to share my days and nights
my life is so incomplete
for you are my heart, my soul
the 'oneness' i had known to seek

without you i merely exist from day to day
with you i know that i'll find
all that i have been searching for
my completeness, my eternal peace of mind

u're the keeper of my dreams
the man who holds my heart in his hand
the one i want to spend my life with
the one whom i'll always stand

stand beside through all that life will throw our way
knowing that this love special we share
will guide us, each and every day

this journey was started long ago
before this time and place
the journey of completeness
as two hearts and souls embrace

forever is what i want with you
for the search is at on end
our hearts have found each other
as lovers, as soul-mates, as friends


1 mewakili segenap isi hati :D


uda pada liat film dear john kaaaaan? harus udah!! ehe. film ini cukup mewakili segenap isi hati saya, yang sangat menyukai cowok berseragam angkatan :D mereka yang make baju angkatan, terlihat benar benar beda-sungguh. anda-anda yang mempunyai suami seorang angkatan-tentara TOLONG yang setia yah! ehehehahaha.

pertama kali aku suka cowok berseragam army hmm waktu aku masih TK! gak percaya? najis memang anak kecil uda ngelirik ngelirik cowok haha. tapi beneran, waktu itu TK-ku lagi ngadain kunjungan ke rudal, bontang. lupa bagaimana pokoknya tapi aku uda kesemsem sama instrukturnya yang gagah dan ganteng AHAHAHAHAHAHA. daaan sampai sekarang, kalo lagi ngeliat cowok pake baju yang begituan *apalagi yang ganteng* uuuuh bawaannya gemes.
hmm yah, walaupun nanti aku bakal sering di tinggal suami-ku pergi bertugas ke negara entah berantah, aku tetep setia ehehehehehehe. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA <3

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration