Sabtu, 11 September 2010

when i look at you-miley cyrus


everybody needs inspiration,
everybody needs a soul
a beautiful melody
when the nights so long..

cause there is no guarantee
that this life is easy…

yea when my world is falling apart
when there’s no light to break up the dark
that's when i..i..i look at you
when the waves, are flooding the shore and i can’t
find my way home anymore
that's when i..i..i look at you..

when i look at you i see forgiveness
i see the truth
you love me for who i am
like the stars hold the moon
right there where they belong
and i know i’m not alone..

you appear just like a dream to me,
just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
all i need every breath that i breathe
don’t you know,u’re beautiful…

i love this song so much <3

Rabu, 08 September 2010

the last 'puasa'


ma-lem! bagaimana kabar? kangen! *peluk*
lusa, hmm bukan. besok tepatnya, lebaran! idul fitri! gak sabar! tapi gak rela juga. gak tau kenapa ni, rasa-rasanya *agak* berat ninggalin bulan puasa. aku suka segala rutinitas bulan puasa, dari mulai begadang menjelang sahur, sahur, solat subuh yang jadi lebih sering, nyari makanan buat buka, duduk bareng-ngumpul sekeluarga makan pas buka, teraweh, sahur lagi dan begitu seterusnya. tahun depan? dan tahun-tahun seterusnya? wuaaaah pasti bakalan beda :(((((

oke sekarang baru jam 2 malem. belum ngantuk. daripada mati gaya nunggu sahur, aku mau nonton channing tatum saja ƪ(♥ε♥)ʃ
g'nite my sweeties rock-y! love ya <3

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration