Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

30 12 2010........


helloooooooo. iw i sooo missed this blog. uda jarang kesentuh lagi, giliran diperluin aja baru nulis kayak sekarang :D
aduh gila. yang pertama, tahun 2010 uda bakal berakhir bok! bytheway, that's will be the last year to me be a student *amin* gak tau deh desember depan aku uda jadi mahasiswi dimana.

banyak banget cerita. terlalu banyak. so i just can say thank you for this year, god.. i really has done with this year.
dan sekarang, tanggal 30 12 2010. hmm. actually, that's a special day. but ah ya never mind.
oke so see you next time in 2011. 2011, please be nice year to meeeh O:)


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